


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Coming Soon...

I really like to take things apart and put them back together… just not necessarily in the same order they were to begin with. When I was but a wee lad, I used to raid my neighbor’s garage for old radios and clocks to disassemble. It was a two-edged learning tool and I made some of my first discoveries on the nature of electricity… that, by the way, included several (if not ongoing) lessons in the fine art of getting zapped and living to cry about it.

The reason I am spilling some of my childhood secrets here is that I intend to move the Sin City Inquisition & Bar B Q to its own domain soon and that is going to entail some erector-set type engineering. And though my motives are completely honorable, I am well aware the road to website hell is paved with good intentions. So to begin with, I’m not gonna be changing a whole lot.

Initially, the blog will be trucked in bulk to the new domain and will very much resemble itself here in the blogger configuration. Then after I am satisfied that everything is working, I’ll grab a screwdriver and a pair of pliers, along with some wire snips and a hack saw to have some fun.

The end product should be a more-fully functional blogsite with all kinds of frills like limited bandwidth and storage space for stuff I have to outsource to now. There will also be a cost attached to both the domain and the hosting service so I may even include an unemployed / homeless person begging for spare change…

Hopefully, the entire affair can be done in short order so the shortorder cook doesn’t find himself twiddling his thumbs between the old and stable… and the new and improved.