Friday Review - Updated 7:05 AM CDT
The Catfish are staying for now, so they say. But who could blame them if they moved? I mean, we just spewed 900,000 gallons of raw sewage in the Chattahoochee River, which is also by chance where they live. How would you like it if someone came along and took a dump in your home?
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Maybe She’ll Eventually Run For Office?
Jennifer Wilbanks, the ‘runaway bride’ that caused such a stir when she hopped a bus for a desert state without notifying her parents or her neighbors or the media or the paper boy, has signed a deal to sell her story to Regan Media of New York. It is likely they will make a movie about her little fling, if they can find an actress that won’t skip out on them during the shoot…
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Garbage Out, Garbage In?
Columbus City Counsel says stacking scrap iron is not what they would do with $250,000 but the library board responded:
Gotchya. What in the hell would a library do with books, anyway?
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Chuck Has Entered The Building
Chuck has some Intemperate Thoughts, about ever deadly US 431 and the drivers thereon.
Welcome home!
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Jo’s TGIF Specials of the Day
NASCAR and Soap Box Derby - partnering up!
Boy, 13, Leads Police on 20-Mile Chase
Jackson walks, California shakes.
(I really like that last one!)
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Bubba’s in Buena Vista
Welcome to Bubba’s Back Porch Blog to our daily review!
Bubba does PETA this morning, relating the story of how two of PETA's own thugs have been exposed for animal abuse.
Here's a tidbit of his article:
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WTVM Skycam Shot of the Day
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Maybe She’ll Eventually Run For Office?
Jennifer Wilbanks, the ‘runaway bride’ that caused such a stir when she hopped a bus for a desert state without notifying her parents or her neighbors or the media or the paper boy, has signed a deal to sell her story to Regan Media of New York. It is likely they will make a movie about her little fling, if they can find an actress that won’t skip out on them during the shoot…
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Garbage Out, Garbage In?
Columbus City Counsel says stacking scrap iron is not what they would do with $250,000 but the library board responded:
Dr. Tom Wade, the library board chairman, defended the controversial piece of art saying it fits the facility's educational mission.
"We think this can help more than books and computers at this time," Wade said.
Gotchya. What in the hell would a library do with books, anyway?
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Chuck Has Entered The Building
Chuck has some Intemperate Thoughts, about ever deadly US 431 and the drivers thereon.
Welcome home!
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Jo’s TGIF Specials of the Day
NASCAR and Soap Box Derby - partnering up!
Boy, 13, Leads Police on 20-Mile Chase
Jackson walks, California shakes.
(I really like that last one!)
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Bubba’s in Buena Vista
Welcome to Bubba’s Back Porch Blog to our daily review!
Bubba does PETA this morning, relating the story of how two of PETA's own thugs have been exposed for animal abuse.
Here's a tidbit of his article:
These two PETA ‘operatives’ were arrested in North Carolina Wednesday night. They were caught dumping 18 dead dogs into a dumpster behind a shopping center. Police also found 13 additional dead dogs in the couple’s van. The animals had been taken from two North Carolina animal shelters. Officials said the animals were alive when they left the shelters, but would not say how they died.
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WTVM Skycam Shot of the Day
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